Monday 7 March 2005

blowing in the wind

Jeff @ home > Maura @ home, work

Hi Maura,

First, I will remind you again that I am also sending these emails to your home address, lest I be accused of interfering with your work schedule. You are thus free to delete this and read on your own time.

Second, I offer my sincere condolences to you on the passing of your friend Mr McGinty. I do remember speaking with him on several occasions myself.

Now, my response to your latest offering.

For me, whatever point you are trying to make here seems to get lost after this amazingly misguided statement: “you’re just so sure that you have all the answers!”.

Maura, if I thought I had ANY answers re : this (Good God! What do we call it? Argument? Brawl? Confrontation? Debate? Exchange? Allow me to skip to “S”) situation, I very much doubt we would be having one at all.

“…before I brave the lion’s den, I feel that I must at least have a clue as to what it is I am walking into”. It would appear from this sentence that you already have a clue! And if I’m a lion in this analogy, what exactly do you see youself as? Put this question to me, and my response would be an animal no further down the food chain than that very same lion.

According to your final paragraph, the answer to one question is the key, the crucial element, the final determining factor, the raison d'ĂȘtre ….for what, exactly?

So I answer this question, and you will then immediately book a flight to Ireland?

Or will you delve back through my other emails, take a week to compose one more letter with yet another “key” question which won’t arrive until April via snail-mail and delay the process even further?

The answer to your question, my friend, is either blowing in the wind, or dare I say it, is already contained in the volumes of text I have already sent you for the past several weeks. You do not hold a monopoly on despair in this situation, believe me.

In summation, my position has not changed one iota viz-a-vis that outlined in “Olive branch”, specifically re: my ackowledgement of the 3 points on which we agree.

You claimed in your letter of February 3 that we need a face-to-face talk. All of your actions (or non-actions) since then appear to be nothing but obstructionism.

This talk will either happen or it won’t. It’s up to you.

