Sunday 20 February 2005

well worth the wait

Jeff @ home > Maura @ home, work

Hello Mater,

I’m torn between two interpretations of your latest emails; perhaps you can help me.

On Wednesday last, you said:

“I will respond to (your messages) later today or, at the very latest, by tomorrow”.

Then, nothing from you until Friday, when you simply said :

“I'll be in touch next week.”

Were you,

(a) being ironic viz-a-vis my recent assertion that the information you provide regarding your future actions is often (at best) unreliable, or

(b) blissfully unaware that you were proving my point?

I now realize how busy your day to day routine is, so there is no need to make promises you can’t keep. Though I am very curious as to what your “response” will be, I will be happy to wait for you to send it as soon as you are ready, whenever that may be.

I sincerely hope your long weekend was as productive as it was enjoyable and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,
