Monday 5 September 2005


Bloggers bring white phosphorus to the public's attention
At least the controversy makes cycling somewhat interesting...
My take on the Irish pastime of hurling
The customer may not always be right, but there are still limits...
The 60th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
An innocent man is shot dead against a backdrop of terror
Hey, it must be good, the title has the word "naked" in it
This letter to rioters was linked from other blogs
I was coming to grips with the aims of the MakePovertyHistory campaign
How to explain the Eurovision Song Contest to Americans
George Galloway takes no prisoners in Washington DC
It seemed the tsunami was all but forgotten after a matter of weeks
My review of one of the worst American shit-coms ever
My views on the incredible bravery of the McCartney sisters in the midst of the so-called "peace process" in Northern Ireland
Gun violence and drink driving draw deadly comparisons
Racism in Ireland is growing
My first post that sparked off a series of differing comments, all about the death penalty
My favourite sports rant about the one way NOBODY wants to lose
My first real rant on my main blog