Thursday 3 February 2005

really? ya think?

Maura @ work > Jeff @ home

Dear Jeff,

This is very strange – to type a personal letter that I have hand-written.

Having read and re-read your various messages and having given a lot of thought to their content and my feelings as they co-relate, it seems very obvious to me that you and I need to have a talk.

No fooling! He cried, but what I mean is a face-to-face talk – not an email discussion, not a series of letters, not a telephone conversation (and most definitely not a chat!).

This talk is one that I’ve known we would have to have at some point, but the time never seemed right and I was, quite frankly, starting to wonder if we’d ever reach a point where we might feel comfortable having it. Your recent messages have shown me that we cannot wait for the Right Time, but rather, we have to pull a Nike and Just Do It.

I hope that when we do have this talk that we can meet not as combatants but as grown-ups with legitimate gripes and tender feelings, and that we can dispense with the sarcasm and not attempt a dual of wits. Neither you nor I nor anyone in our family would benefit from our playing a zero-sum game.

By now you are probably disappointed in this letter, having expected much more from it, and for that I am sorry. I could maybe put my feelings into words and mail them to you, but it would take a lot of time and editing and I just don’t think that this is the way to do it. We need to talk – face to face. Do you not agree?

I would still like to come over to Ireland before Xmas of 2005 – I was planning on the Spring when the fares come down – March-ish. You and I will go someplace where we won’t be disturbed and duke it out.

Ha ha.

This letter is not the whole of what I wrote last weekend. Trying to transcribe my hand-written letter is painful and I would not even consider mailing the original. It’s so hard for me to talk about my feelings. I always think of Fran Leibowitz’s comment that spilling your guts is just as attractive as it sounds. So it seems like we have no choice – it will have to be a conversation rather than a correspondence.

I hope that you won’t think I’ve “copped out” with this letter. You’re probably expecting something longer or more detailed or more SOMETHING – well, it’s 6 o’clock and if I don’t send this soon I’ll have to apologize again, so…

If you really need me to do a “better” job with this, I will try. It would probably have to stay in the hand-written form, though. Transcription just doesn’t cut it as it forces me to edit myself – something no one should ever be forced to do.

I await your reply.
