Tuesday 25 January 2005

boldly going where no lee has gone before

Maura @ work > Jeff @ home


Shall we cut to the chase -- what is that you really want? You say (and I quote): financial, practical or even emotional help.

I take it that your prime choice is the first choice, so how much will it cost me to buy my way into the New Lee Family?

What is "practical" help, when it is at home? How might I offer "practical" help from a distance of 6000+ miles? Please explain.

You obviously deem emotional help, as every venomous word you have hurled at me of late has shown, well beyond my poor capacity.

"Please appreciate I take no pleasure in this." Don't make me laugh - this belongs in the category of you not wanting to use your parenting comment against me, when obviously you'd been storing it up for years, waiting for a chance to use it. It took 9 3/4 years, but I finally did vocalize a criticism of you. And of course you were right there with your retort - FINALLY! What a relief it must have been!!!!!

Had I known how you were holding this (rather childish and hypocritical*) maxim so close to your heart - keeping it fluffed up and ready to spring at the slightest hint of anything that could possibly be construed as criticism - I would have given you the opportunity of using it and getting it off your already burdened chest quite some time ago.

So what is it that you want? Or should I say - how much do you want? Am I to contribute to your support so that you won't have to get a job? So that I can see my own mother once a year? Do, please, enlighten and astonish me. You seem to have a boundless resource of astonishing thoughts just bursting from your fevered brain, but please try to focus on those germane to the issue or my membership in Lee Family - the Next Generation.

* you have never played professional soccer, yet I seem to recall having heard you make a suggestion (or two or a thousand) as to how a certain play should have been made. The same is true of you and politics - you've never served in a government job nor have you in any way been anything but a spectator in, yet you certainly have opinions galore on the subject. Opinions are good - I'm told it is what makes us "free".
What did I offer, but an opinion?