Thursday 3 February 2005

eggs and omelettes

Jeff @ home > Maura @ work, home

Hi Maura,

I would not describe your letter as a disappointment; the term "anti-climax" would be better suited, considering the time it took for you to send it. Of course I would be willing to talk, but I would like to outline a few concerns I have about such a discussion before it can take place.

1. Please do not read too much into the fact I put this first. It is merely a point of information, and one which I want to get out of the way. I sincerely hope you do not think for a second that "We need to talk" is in any way your idea or suggestion. I have been trying for years, extremely unsuccessfully, to bring about such a discussion. "Who thought of it" is a point which may be moot, but one I feel also needs to be made.

2. I would be interested to know what exactly it is you expect us to be talking about? Allow me to spell out what I want to discuss. I have, for the want of a better word (and believe me I've tried to find one because I realize how corny this sounds), a vision, which comprises me, Sandra, Rebecca, Christopher, Mom and possibly you should you so wish, all seated around a dinnertable on July 10, 2009, in a house owned by Sandra and myself, to celebrate Mom's 100th birthday. I would very much like to have a picture taken on such an occasion. My plan is to attempt to utilize the resources at my disposal to bring this about. What I wish to discuss with you is what part you would like to play in helping me bring this dream to fruition. I do NOT intend to bemoan the past, I do NOT intend to argue or criticize anyone, and I certainly do NOT wish to hurt anyone's feelings. That being said, one cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs, and my prime directive is to prepare an omelette that all of (what is left of) the Lee family can enjoy. I hope this outlines where I will be coming from on the day of our summit meeting.

3. I am not thoroughly convinced that a face-to-face meeting will fully resolve this matter, though I do agree it is necessary. One of the problems here is highlighted by your sentence "It's so hard for me to talk about my feelings". To that I say "Welcome to the human race, girlfriend!!!" Do you REALLY think it has been easy for me to send these emails? Or indeed that it would be easy for anyone? Also, I think you and I are much better writers than talkers. It would only serve to help our discourse if you were to at least snail-mail your letter from last weekend. You obviously put a lot of time and thought into it, so to coin your own phrase, pull a Nike and Just Do It!!!

4. Also on the Nike theme, I think if you are really committed to making this meeting a reality, I say book both your vacation time and your flights NOW regardless of price. As you know, we are both willing and able to help you out should you need it. Part of me (albeit a small one) thinks the "March-ish" thing could be a stall tactic, and taking immediate action would be the perfect way to prove me wrong.

It took you 500 words to say "we need to talk". It has taken me over 600 to say "OK just say when". What does that say about us???? ;-)
