Monday 7 February 2005

just an expression

Jeff @ home > Maura @ home

[* you have never played professional soccer, yet I seem to recall having heard you make a suggestion (or two or a thousand) as to how a certain play should have been made. The same is true of you and politics - you've never served in a government job nor have you in any way been anything but a spectator in, yet you certainly have opinions galore on the subject. Opinions are good - I'm told it is what makes us "free". What did I offer, but an opinion?]

I completely missed this passage of yours the first time round, and I just cannot resist exercising my right to offer my own opinion in reply. It's the Lee in me, you see!

To properly apply your analogy to the Pengate incident, it would have been akin to not only my voicing my opinion on how a certain play should be made, but actually going to the coach/politician him/herself with it, and then running crying to my room if s/he didn't run with my interpretation without question.

Of course everyone has opinions, but there are occasions when we must bow to someone's superior experience. If you choose to recall, I took your suggestion on board, reasoned it in my head, and saw the situation for what I thought it was. You then threw a tantrum because I did not take action based solely on your advice. I then reacted to the tantrum, not the opinion.

I will only send this to your home address, for it is but a small point, and it would not be that important to the Grand Scheme Of Things if you were not to read it.

I still look forward very much to your handwritten offerings.
