Thursday 20 January 2005

a home truth or two

Jeff @ home > Maura @ work

I have bent over backwards to be polite up to now. Check every email I have sent you since your last visit. I am sick of bending over backwards and considering your feelings when it becomes increasingly clear to me that you haven't got a clue what I am faced with over here. Have you ANY idea of the financial mess this family is in? Has it crossed your mind even for a second that now Dad's pension is no longer in the equation there is no way we can continue to live here in Booterstown? I would have to get a full time job which would mean I could not give Mom the support she needs. She cannot be left on her own in any size dwelling for long periods of time. Important decisions have to be made, and I just wanted to know if you wanted to be involved in them. What you call abuse, I call telling it like it is. We need to resolve this, and pretty damn quick.